MySQL Commands Cheat Sheet

This cheat sheet provides a quick reference to the most commonly used MySQL commands:

Command Description
mysql -u [username] -p [database] Connect to a MySQL database as a specific user.
exit Exit the MySQL command-line tool.
CREATE DATABASE [database]; Create a new database.
DROP DATABASE [database]; Delete an existing database.
SHOW DATABASES; List all databases on the MySQL server.
USE [database]; Select a database to work with.
CREATE TABLE [table] ([column definitions]); Create a new table with the specified column definitions.
DESCRIBE [table]; Show the structure of a table.
DROP TABLE [table]; Delete an existing table.
SHOW TABLES; List all tables in the current database.
CREATE USER '[username]'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '[password]'; Create a new MySQL user account.
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON [database].* TO '[username]'@'localhost'; Grant all privileges to a MySQL user account on a specific database.
FLUSH PRIVILEGES; Reload all the privileges from the grant tables in the MySQL database.
INSERT INTO [table] ([columns]) VALUES ([values]); Insert a new record into a table.
SELECT [columns] FROM [table]; Retrieve data from one or more tables.
UPDATE [table] SET [column] = [value] WHERE [condition]; Update existing records in a table.
DELETE FROM [table] WHERE [condition]; Delete records from a table.
mysqldump -u [username] -p [database] > [filename].sql Backup a database to a .sql file.
mysql -u [username] -p [database] < [filename].sql Restore a database from a .sql file.