On this page, you will find all my Udemy courses, discount coupons, and updates on new courses.
1. Spring 6 and Spring Boot 3 for Beginners (Includes Projects)
In this course, you will learn Spring Core, Spring Boot 3, REST API, Spring MVC, WebFlux, Spring Security, Spring Data JPA, Docker, Thymeleaf & Building Projects.Discount Coupon code:
I offer discounts to my blog readers and my YouTube channel subscribers. Use below discount coupon code (80% OFF) for this course:
2. Building Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud
Learn to build microservices using Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, React, Kafka, RabbitMQ, Docker, and REST API (REST Web Services).Discount Coupon code:
I offer discounts to my blog readers and my YouTube channel subscribers. Use below discount coupon code (80% OFF) for this course:
3. Building Real-Time REST APIs with Spring Boot – Blog App
Learn to build REST APIs using Spring Boot, Spring Security, JWT, Spring Data JPA, Hibernate, MySQL, and Deploy on AWS cloud (production).Discount Coupon code:
I offer discounts to my blog readers and my YouTube channel subscribers. Use below discount coupon code (60-70% OFF) for this course:
4. Full-Stack Java Development with Spring Boot 3 & React
In this course, you will build two full-stack web applications (Employee Management System and Todo Management App) using Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring Data JPA, JWT, React JS, and MySQL database.
In this course, we will use the latest version of Spring Boot (3+), Spring Security (6+), React JS (18+), and MySQL database (8+). We will use modern and popular tools to build full-stack web applications such as IntelliJ IDEA, VS Code, Maven, Postman, NPM, etc.
Discount Coupon code:
I offer discounts to my blog readers and my YouTube channel subscribers. Use below discount coupon code (80% OFF) for this course:
5. Build 5 Spring Boot Projects with Java: Line-by-Line Coding
This course teaches you to build 5+ mini Spring Boot projects using Java 17+, REST API, Spring Boot 3, Spring Security 6, Thymeleaf, React, and MySQL database.In this course, we will build these 5 Spring Boot mini-projects:
- Todo Management Project
- Personal Expense Tracker Project
- Banking Application
- Student Management System
- Employee Management System
Discount coupon code:
I offer discounts to my blog readers and my YouTube channel subscribers. Use below discount coupon code (60-70% OFF) for this course:
6. Spring Boot Thymeleaf Real-Time Web Application – Blog App
In this course, you will learn how to build a complete, real-time blog application step by step using Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Thymeleaf, Spring Security, Spring Data JPA, and MySQL database.Discount coupon code:
I offer discounts to my blog readers and my YouTube channel subscribers. Use below discount coupon code (60-70% OFF) for this course:
7. Testing Spring Boot Application with JUnit and Mockito
In this course, you will learn how to write Unit tests and Integration tests for Spring Boot App using JUnit, Mockito, AssertJ, Hamcrest, JsonPath, & Testcontainers.Discount coupon code:
I offer discounts to my blog readers and my YouTube channel subscribers. Use below discount coupon code (60-70% OFF) for this course:
8. Master Spring Data JPA with Hibernate
Learn Spring Data JPA Features and Build Domain Model Relationships for E-Commerce Projects Using Hibernate ORM.Course link: Master Spring Data JPA with Hibernate
Discount coupon code:
I offer discounts to my blog readers and my YouTube channel subscribers. Use below discount coupon code (50-60% OFF) for this course:
9. Spring Boot + Apache Kafka Course – The Practical Guide
Learn to use Apache Kafka as a broker to exchange messages between Producer and Consumer in Spring boot applications.
Discount coupon code:
I offer discounts to my blog readers and my YouTube channel subscribers. Use below discount coupon code (60-70% OFF) for this course:
10. Spring Boot + RabbitMQ Course – The Practical Guide
Learn to Use RabbitMQ to Exchange Messages Between Producer and Consumer in Spring Boot Applications & Microservices.
Discount coupon code:
I offer discounts to my blog readers and my YouTube channel subscribers. Use below discount coupon code (60-80% OFF) for this course:
11. Free Courses on YouTube
I have published 15+ free courses on my YouTube channel. Here is the link:
Regarding Discount Coupon Codes
If you need any help with the discount coupon codes, you can comment on this page or email me at javaguides.net@gmail.com.
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