Criteria String StringBuilder
Immutability Immutable: Once a String object is created, its content cannot be changed. Mutable: The content can be changed after the object is created.
Performance Concatenating String objects using the + operator can be inefficient in loops because a new String object is created with every concatenation. Offers better performance when making multiple modifications, like append or delete, as it doesn’t create a new instance every time.
Methods Has methods to provide a wide range of functionality, but does not support modification operations like append, insert, or delete. Provides methods for string manipulation like append(), insert(), delete(), and reverse().
Thread Safety Thread-safe due to its immutability. Not thread-safe. If needed in a multi-threaded environment, one must ensure proper synchronization.
Memory Overhead Every operation creating a new String may lead to an overhead if done frequently, as it leads to the creation of many temporary objects. Has a lower memory overhead for string operations because it reuses the same object for modifications, thus avoiding the creation of multiple temporary objects.
Use-case Best for strings that won’t change in terms of content. Best for strings that need frequent modifications, like in loops or when concatenating/appending values repeatedly.
Storage Stored in the String pool. Stored in the heap (outside the String pool).