1. Introduction

Sorting a Map by value is a common task in Java. Unlike sorting by keys, Java Collections Framework doesn’t provide a direct utility for sorting Map by values. However, using Java 8 and above, we can utilize the Stream API to accomplish this task efficiently.

2. Program Steps

1. Create a HashMap and populate it with some key-value pairs.

2. Print the original Map.

3. Convert the Map to a Stream and sort it by its values.

4. Collect the result into a new Map maintaining the sorted order.

5. Print the sorted Map.

3. Code Program

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

public class SortMapByValue {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Step 1: Create a HashMap and populate it with some key-value pairs
        Map<String, Integer> unsortedMap = new HashMap<>();
        unsortedMap.put("Banana", 3);
        unsortedMap.put("Apple", 5);
        unsortedMap.put("Cherry", 1);

        // Step 2: Print the original Map
        System.out.println("Original Map: " + unsortedMap);

        // Step 3: Convert the Map to a Stream and sort it by its values
        // Step 4: Collect the result into a new Map maintaining the sorted order
        Map<String, Integer> sortedMap = unsortedMap.entrySet()
                                        .sorted(Map.Entry.<String, Integer>comparingByValue())
                                            (e1, e2) -> e1,

        // Step 5: Print the sorted Map
        System.out.println("Sorted Map by Values: " + sortedMap);


Original Map: {Banana=3, Apple=5, Cherry=1}
Sorted Map by Values: {Cherry=1, Banana=3, Apple=5}

4. Step By Step Explanation

Step 1: A HashMap named unsortedMap is created and initialized with some key-value pairs.

Step 2: The original Map, which is unsorted by values, is printed to the console.

Step 3: The unsortedMap is converted to a Stream and then sorted by its values using the sorted() method and comparingByValue() comparator.

Step 4: The sorted entries are then collected into a new LinkedHashMap named sortedMap. The LinkedHashMap is used to maintain the order of elements in the Map.

Step 5: Finally, the Map sorted by values, sortedMap, is printed to the console.