1. Introduction
Converting a String to an Integer is a common operation in Java. This conversion is essential when the numeric value is represented as a string in scenarios like user input, file reading, etc. The Integer.parseInt() method is typically used for this conversion in Java.
2. Program Steps
1. Define the main method as the entry point of the program.
2. Declare and initialize a string with a numeric value.
3. Use the Integer.parseInt() method to convert the string to an integer.
4. Print the converted integer.
3. Code Program
public class StringToInteger {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Step 2: Declare and initialize a string with a numeric value
String numberString = "123";
// Step 3: Use the Integer.parseInt() method to convert the string to an integer
int number = Integer.parseInt(numberString);
// Step 4: Print the converted integer
System.out.println("The string \"" + numberString + "\" is converted to the integer: " + number);
The string "123" is converted to the integer: 123
4. Step By Step Explanation
– Step 1: The main method is defined as the entry point of the program.
– Step 2: A String variable, numberString, is declared and initialized with the numeric string "123".
– Step 3: The Integer.parseInt() method is used to convert numberString to an integer. The result is stored in an int variable named number.
– Step 4: The converted integer number is printed, showing the successful conversion from a string to an integer.