1. Introduction

Concatenation is a fundamental operation in string handling. In Java, you can concatenate two strings using the + operator or the concat method provided by the String class. This program demonstrates both methods.

2. Program Steps

1. Define the main method which is the entry point to the program.

2. Declare and initialize two input strings.

3. Concatenate the strings using the + operator and print the result.

4. Concatenate the strings using the concat method and print the result.

3. Code Program

public class StringConcatenation {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Step 2: Declare and initialize two input strings
        String string1 = "Hello, ";
        String string2 = "World!";

        // Step 3: Concatenate the strings using the + operator and print the result
        String resultOperator = string1 + string2;
        System.out.println("Concatenation using + operator: " + resultOperator);

        // Step 4: Concatenate the strings using the concat method and print the result
        String resultMethod = string1.concat(string2);
        System.out.println("Concatenation using concat method: " + resultMethod);


Concatenation using + operator: Hello, World!
Concatenation using concat method: Hello, World!

4. Step By Step Explanation

Step 1: The main method is defined as the entry point to the program.

Step 2: Two input strings, string1 and string2, are declared and initialized with the values "Hello, " and "World!" respectively.

Step 3: The strings are concatenated using the + operator, and the result is stored in resultOperator and printed.

Step 4: The strings are also concatenated using the concat method, and the result is stored in resultMethod and printed.

Both methods give the same result, demonstrating two ways to concatenate strings in Java.