1. Introduction
In Java, we often need to convert a String to a Double, which can be achieved using the Double.parseDouble() method or by creating a new instance of the Double class. This conversion is especially useful when dealing with user input or reading from a file where numeric values are represented as strings.
2. Program Steps
1. Define a main method inside a Java class.
2. Declare a String variable with a numeric value.
3. Use the Double.parseDouble() method to convert the String to a Double.
4. Alternatively, create a new instance of the Double class for conversion.
5. Print the original String and the converted Double values.
3. Code Program
public class StringToDouble {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Step 2: Declare a String variable with a numeric value
String numericString = "123.45";
// Step 3: Use the Double.parseDouble() method to convert the String to a Double
double parsedDouble = Double.parseDouble(numericString);
// Step 4: Alternatively, create a new instance of the Double class for conversion
Double objectDouble = new Double(numericString);
// Step 5: Print the original String and the converted Double values
System.out.println("Original String: " + numericString);
System.out.println("Parsed Double: " + parsedDouble);
System.out.println("Object Double: " + objectDouble);
Original String: 123.45 Parsed Double: 123.45 Object Double: 123.45
4. Step By Step Explanation
– Step 1: A main method is defined inside the StringToDouble class.
– Step 2: A String variable numericString is declared with a numeric value represented as a String.
– Step 3: The Double.parseDouble() method is used to convert numericString to a primitive double data type, and the result is stored in the variable parsedDouble.
– Step 4: An alternative approach is used by creating a new instance of the Double class. The result is stored in the objectDouble variable which is of type Double.
– Step 5: The original String value numericString and the converted Double values parsedDouble and objectDouble are printed to the console.
This program demonstrates two ways to convert a String to a Double in Java, using Double.parseDouble() for primitive double and creating a new Double object for the wrapper class.